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Failed Payouts
Updated over a year ago

NOTE: Your organization's admin with "Full Access" or "Limited Access - Financial" permissions will receive an email notifying them of the failed payout.

The most common reasons for failed payouts are:

  • Incorrect Financial Settings information.

  • Insufficient funds.

  • Payout rejected by the bank.

Failed Payouts will only re-try automatically if the failure is due to insufficient funds or if the incorrect Financial Settings information is corrected.

For all other failed payout scenarios, please click Contact Us to resume payouts.

Incorrect Financial Settings Information

Payouts will resume automatically once accurate financial information is provided.

  1. A modal displays in the email outlining why the payout failed.

  2. Within that modal, click Update Financial Settings.

    • You are redirected to your "Financial Settings" tab.

  3. Follow the prompts to replace/update your financial information.

    • Once the Financial Settings Information is updated with correct information, payouts will resume.

Insufficient Funds

Insufficient funds mean that you have a negative receiving balance. This usually occurs because too many refunds took place in a short period of time, or disputes were filed and chargebacks were awarded.

Your payouts will resume automatically after you start to collect enough payments to reverse the negative balance.

Payout Rejected by Bank

Please reach out to your banking institution to inquire why they have rejected the payout.

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