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Selling Memberships in Registration
Selling Memberships in Registration
Updated over 8 months ago

You must have "Full Access" or "Limited Access - Registration Builder" permissions to edit registrations.

NOTE: To sell memberships through registration, the membership must first be created or shared if it is an affiliated membership.

Selling memberships through a registration session is a two-step process. You will need to:

Update Registration Settings

  1. Sign in to "SportsEngine HQ."

  2. Once in "SportsEngine HQ," click the Registration tab and choose Registrations.

  3. Locate the needed registration.

  4. Under the Actions column, click the three-dot icon > Registration Site.

  5. On the top-left portion of the session, under Status, click Edit Registration.

  6. Scroll down and click Show Advanced Options.

  7. Under Sell Store Items and Collect Payments, select Yes.

  8. Scroll down to "Would you like to sell memberships in this registration? dropdown and select Yes.

  9. Under Which membership would you like to sell? use the dropdown to select the preferred membership.

  10. Optional: Enter a message for Why do registrants need this membership to display in the registration session.

  11. Click Save Registration.

    • A new "Membership Information" form will be added to the registration.

Adding a Question Group

Adding the SE profile question group as hidden fields allows organization admins to report on profile and membership data.

  1. Within the registration session, ensure Edit Mode is selected.

  2. On the left side of the registration screen, click Add New Form.

  3. In the Form Name, input a name.

    • e.g., "SE Profile Questions."

  4. Click Save Form.

  5. Within the form you just created, click Add Question or Page Element.

  6. Under Add Questions, click Choose a Question Group.

  7. Click on the question group SE Profile - Participant (All Fields).

    • These questions will now be added to the registration.

  8. At the top of the page, click the Options tab.

  9. Click Edit Form Settings.

  10. Click Show Advanced Options.

  11. Check the box for Hidden Form? to make this page visible to admins only.

  12. Click Save Form.

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