Reference codes are codes you create to tie to many similar sale items. For example, you may have a season registration with different signup fees for U10 Boys, U10 Girls, U11 Boys, etc. You can apply the same reference code to each sale item and group them in reports.
Reference codes appear in the Sale Items Financial Report next to each sale item. You can then sort and sum up the revenue from a single reference code, encompassing many different sale items.
Reference codes differ from SKUs, which are meant to be unique, one-to-one codes tied to a single sale item.
How to Add Reference Codes to Sale Items
New Sale Items
Sign in to "SportsEngine HQ".
From the left navigation menu, click Financials > Sale Items.
In the top-right corner, click Add Sale Item.
In the Reference Code field, enter a new code or select an existing code from the dropdown.
When creating new codes, it is best practice to keep them short, avoiding long sequences and special characters. New codes are saved for future use and will be available to select from the dropdown for future sale items.
Complete the remaining fields and click Add.
Existing Sale Items
Sign in to "SportsEngine HQ".
From the left navigation menu, click Financials > Sale Items.
Locate the item you wish to add a Reference Code to.
Click on the item name, and in the upper-right, click on the pencil icon.
In the Reference Code field, enter a new code or select an existing code from the dropdown.
When creating new codes, it is best practice to keep them short, avoiding long sequences and special characters. New codes are saved for future use and will be available to select from the dropdown for future sale items.
Click Save.
NOTE: Reference codes are not retroactive. Reference codes appear on the Sale Items report only after they have been added to a sale item. Past sales will not display with the reference code in reports.