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Welcome Registration Builders!
Welcome Registration Builders!
Updated over 2 months ago

You must have "Full Access" or "Limited Access - Registration Builder" permissions to build Registrations.

This article will cover all of the steps for building registrations. You can follow along through each section or use the links in the right-hand navigation to jump to your preferred section.

Create a New Registration

  1. Sign in to "SportsEngine HQ."

  2. Once in "SportsEngine HQ," click the Registration tab > Registrations.

  3. In the middle of the page, click Create New Registration.

  4. Input all necessary and mandatory fields, fill out your registration settings and click Create Registration.

Copy a Past Registration

You must have a pre-existing registration built to create a copy. This can be a registration custom to your organization or a SportsEngine template registration.

  • Sale Items must be rebuilt and added.

  • Discount codes/rules must be rebuilt and applied.

  1. Sign in to "SportsEngine HQ."

  2. Once in "SportsEngine HQ," click on the Registration tab > Registrations.

  3. Go to the registration you want to copy and click on the title.

  4. On the right side of the screen, click Copy Registration.

  5. Input a new name for the registration you are copying, and click Copy Registration.

    • It may take a few seconds for the registration to copy over, depending on its size.

Edit Registration Settings

After creating a new registration or copying a past session, you must set up your Registration Settings. Within settings, you can turn your registration on or off, update the automatic close or open date, view your processing rate, toggle who pays the processing fee, and add custom messages in the email receipt.

  1. Sign in to "SportsEngine HQ."

  2. Once in "SportsEngine HQ," click on the Registration tab and choose Registrations.

  3. Go to the registration you want to copy and click on the title.

  4. On the right side of the screen, click Edit Registration.

    • Click Show Advanced Options to view the following options.

      • Status: The stat your registration lives in while on your site.

      • Which types of registrations should be allowed?: What kinds of account profiles can complete registration.

      • Require Login?: If the registrant has to sign in to their account to register (preferred).

      • Editable by User?: Registrants can edit their registration entry after they have finished.

      • Allow Multiple Registrations per Profile: If you want to allow a single user to complete the registration more than once.

      • Sell Store Items and Collect Payments?: Check this to 'yes' if you want to attach sale items to your session.

      • Processing Fees: Who is absorbing the rate.

      • Bank Account: What account is linked to this registration.

      • Open Date/Close Date: Automatically turn your registration on/off on the selected date/time.

      • Email results to the following email addresses: Input email addresses here to notify them of each new registrant.

      • Custom message to be sent in email receipt: Add an informational message the registrant receives after registering.

      • Sell Store Items and Collect Payments: do not select this option if the registration will be non-monetary.

  5. Once completed, click Save Registration.

Adding Questions

After you have updated your Registration Settings, you will want to add questions. You can only add questions between the Welcome and Receipt pages of registration.

  1. On the left side of the registration page, choose a form to add questions to.

    • To add a new form, click the option on the left that says Add New Form.

  2. Once in that new form, click Add Questions or Page Element.

  3. In the new window, click Create a Custom Question.

  4. Title the question and change its format.

    • There are many different registration question types; however, some popular question formats include:

      • Short Text: Registrant inputs a small amount of information.

      • Long Text: Registrant types out more extensive information.

      • Pulldown: Registrant can choose from a longer list that you create.

      • Radio: Registrant chooses one option from a list.

      • Checkbox: Registrant can select multiple options from a list.

      • Date: Usually used for Date of Birth style questions.

  5. Click Create Question.

Adding Conditional Logic to a Registration

Conditional Logic allows you to display an option on a question, page element, or whole registration form based on a previous question selection.

Adding Logic to a Form

  1. Navigate to your registration and ensure you are in Edit Mode.

  2. On the left side of the registration page, choose a form to which you want to add conditional logic.

  3. On the top menu, click the Options tab.

  4. Choose Edit Form Settings.

  5. Click Show Advanced Options.

  6. Choose your conditional logic and click Save Form.

Adding Logic to a Question

  1. Navigate to your registration and ensure you are in Edit Mode.

  2. Go to a question you want to add logic and click the gray gear icon > Edit.

  3. Scroll down and click Show Advanced Options.

  4. Choose your conditional logic and click Save Question.

Adding Logic to Individual Options Within a Question

NOTE: This is for an option or choice under a Checkbox or Radio style question.

  1. Navigate to your registration and ensure you are in Edit Mode.

  2. On the right side of the option within a Radio or Checkbox question, click Edit Dependent Conditions.

  3. Choose your conditional logic and click Save Conditions.

Difference Between ANY, ALL, or NONE

  • ANY: If ANY of the previous options to a question are selected, then the option will appear.

  • ALL: If ALL of the previous options to a question are selected, then the option will appear.

    • EX: Only show this registration option if the registrant is born between 1/1/2001 and 12/31/2003.

  • NONE: If any other question option is selected, this option will appear.

Create a Sale Item

You must set up your registration to sell store items and collect payments in Registration Settings to create and attach sale items.

After you have created your registration questions, attach Sale Items to those questions.

NOTE: Sale item fees can only be added to Radio, Checkbox, or Pulldown question types.

  1. Navigate to the registration page where you want to add your sale item.

  2. On the right side of the question option, click Attach Sale Item.

    • To see this option, you must ensure that Sell Store Items and Collect Payments is turned on in your Registration Settings.

  3. Under the Choose Sale Item header, click Add Sale Item.

    • It's always good practice to right-click that button and open a new tab.

  4. Click Add Sale Item.

  5. Input the item's name, then scroll down and input the price.

    • Select the Upfront Payment Options to indicate the amount due at the time of sale.

  6. Click Add.

Attach Sale Items to a Registration Question

  1. Go to the registration page where you would like to add the sale item.

  2. Within the layout container, click Add Question/Element.

  3. Create a custom question that uses a radio button or checkbox.

  4. Save the question.

  5. On the right side of the question option, click Attach Sale Item.

  6. Find the item you just created, click the name, and choose Attach Sale Item at the bottom.

  7. Your sale item is now connected to that registration option.

Different Question Types on a Registration

  • Only questions in the Question Groups area can auto-populate

  • A question group can't be added more than once.

  • When editing a question, DO NOT replace a new question option with an old one. Those answers associated with the old question will filter over to the new question. If you no longer need an option, disable that option and add a new option so all registration data will stay in place.

Question Types

  • Short Text: Use when the registrant needs to input a short amount of text. (ex. name questions)

  • Long Text: Use when the user needs to input a large amount of text. (ex. medical questions)

  • Pulldown: If your question has a lot of answer choices, use a pulldown to save space on the registration page. (Conditional logic can’t be used on this question format’s options)

  • Radio: A type of question where only one option can be selected. This is the most common question type used. (ex. Position and level of play questions)

  • Checkbox: A type of question that allows selecting more than one option. To make this question required, a "1" must be entered into the Minimum checked boxes allowed. (ex. volunteer jobs)

  • Numerical: A type of question that only accepts numbers.

  • Decimal: A type of question that only accepts decimal answers.

  • Date: A type of question that formats the question in a date form. You can set the minimum and maximum date range that is accepted. (ex. birthdate)

  • Email: A question that forces a registrant to type in a valid email address.

  • Length: A type of question that asks for feet and inches. (ex. height)

  • Link: A type of question allowing registrants to type on a link and can answer by selecting http://, https://, or mailto:.

  • Document Upload: A question where a registrant can upload a file. (ex. player waiver)

  • Profile Photo: A type of question where a registrant can upload a profile file.

Advanced Options

  • Column Name on Report: This will default to the same text as the question label if left blank. This field can be custom if you want a different name to appear on a report.

  • Hidden Question: This is a question that registrants will not see while registering. An admin with permissions can edit a registrant entry and answer hidden questions for a registrant. These are most frequently used for record-keeping purposes.

  • Hide Answer on Email Receipt: This option must be checked to hide an answer to a question on the email receipt.

  • Conditional Logic: The ability for a question to populate based on the answer to a previous question.

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