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Automatic Payout Timeline
Updated over a week ago

eCheck (ACH) and Credit Card (CC) funds payout separately following a registration, invoicing, or membership payment.

Credit Card funds take up to 2 business days to payout.

  • CC payouts will contain funds from payments received two business days prior.

eCheck funds take up to 7 business days to payout.

  • eCheck payouts will contain funds from payments received seven business days prior.

How do payouts work?

Payouts of the funds an organization has collected are deposited into the organization's active account daily. Each payout will contain credit card payments that were processed two business days before or eCheck payments that were processed seven business days prior (this is how long it takes for those funds to settle and become available for payout).

For example, credit card payments processed on a Tuesday are paid out by Thursday, whereas eCheck payments processed on the same Tuesday may take until Thursday of the following week to payout.

In the case where you have a credit card and eCheck payments that payout on the same day, your organization will receive two deposits that day.

Any refunds issued, ACH returns, or chargebacks your organization incurs are also factored into the payout amount.

Payout Report:

When you start processing online payments, the money your organization collects will be held until it's settled, then batched into nightly payouts that are automatically deposited into the organization's active bank account.

A record of each payout will appear here so that an admin with correct permissions can use this report for reconciliation.

Payout Schedule:

*Important: All payments and payouts are processed according to UTC time. As a result, the processed date may not be the same as your local time zone. Here are cutoff times for a credit card payment made on a "Monday" (Standard Time; adjust times accordingly if your region switches to Daylight Savings Time).

Time zone




12:00 am Mon

11:59 pm Mon


8:00 pm Sun

6:59 pm Mon


6:00 pm Sun

5:59 pm Mon


5:00 pm Sun

4:59 pm Mon


4:00 pm Sun

3:59 pm Mon


3:00 pm Sun

2:59 pm Mon


2:00 pm Sun

1:59 pm Mon

For example, a customer who makes a payment Tuesday at 6:00 pm PST is Wednesday UTC, so you will receive the payout on Friday.

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