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All CollectionsFor AdminsSport Management
Schedule Upload Fields Reference Guide
Schedule Upload Fields Reference Guide
Updated over a year ago

You must have "Full Access" or "Limited Access - HQ Tools" permissions to format a schedule.

This article outlines the different formats for uploading a Schedule Upload.

  • Start_Date: Format must be MM/DD/YYYY

  • Start_Time: Format must be in Military Time HH: MM or TBD

  • End_Date: Format must be MM/DD/YYYY

  • End_Time: Format must be in Military Time HH: MM

  • Title: Up to 255 characters.

  • Description: Up to 400 characters.

  • Location: Up to 255 characters.

  • Location_URL: A valid URL, including HTTP:// or HTTPS://

  • All_Day_Event: A value of 1 will indicate an all-day event. If left blank or set to zero, a start and end date will show on the calendar.

  • Event_Type: Field is ignored unless the value is "Game"; in this case, the additional Team fields are required.

  • Tags: This field maps the codes entered in Edit Team/Division IDs to a page within your website. If you tag multiple pages, you must use the pipe/vertical bar character (i.e. "|") to separate each id. (i.e., 1023|1030|1232|21412).

  • Team1_ID: Team IDs are Found in the Team/Division ID Section. This field is required if the Event_Type is equal to "Game."

  • Team1_Division_ID: Use this if you want to create TBD teams (the Team field must be blank).

  • Team1_Is_Home: This field is used when Event_Type is equal to "Game." Valid values are 1 for Home games and 0 for Away games.

  • Team2_ID: Team IDs are Found in the Team/Division ID Section. When adding games under a "League" structure, this field is required, and the Team2_ID has a team page on your website.

  • Team2_Division_ID: Use this if you want to create TBD teams (the Team field must be blank).

  • Team2_Name: This field is used when no value is provided within the Team2_ID field.

  • Custom_Opponent: This field accepts either a 1 (for a Custom Team) or 0 (for a League or Club Team). Team2_Name needs to have a value if the value of the Custom_Opponent field is 1.

  • Event_ID: This field is only used if you export the batch that was previously imported. This includes a unique event_id for each row that can be used to update existing events.

  • Game_ID: This field is used when Event_Type equals "Game". The field can contain up to 12 characters. The Game ID should be unique within a Subseason. The Game ID is only supported with the .csv format and does not apply to Maximum Solutions or ScheduleWerks.

  • Affects_Standings: If a value is not provided, it will be marked as affects standings. Valid values are 1 for affects standings, 0 for does not affect standings.

  • Points_Win: Standing's point override for a win on a single game.

  • Points_Loss: Standing's point override for a loss on a single game.

  • Points_Tie: Standing's point override for a tie on a single game.

  • Points_OT_Win: Standing's point overrides for an OT win on a single game.

  • Points_OT_Loss: Standing's point override for an OT loss on a single game.

  • Division_Override: Force a game to count for both teams for standings even when they aren’t in the same division.

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