SportsEngine HQ
Added an empty state page to the Divisions tab of Season Management with text stating “There are no divisions” to prompt division creation.
WordPress users can now select multiple site connections in the News Aggregator page element to display news from connected sites.
Released the Custom Requirements Manual Approval Flow to beta, allowing organization admins to approve custom requirements submissions manually.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where translations were not working correctly when purchasing memberships.
Resolved a problem with iCal that prevented all events from pushing to a personal calendar when adding a new phone or using a verification code.
Corrected a Sport Management issue where information did not display on the Roster tab when creating custom roster variables.
SportsEngine Play
Added the ability to watch livestreams and replays from the SportsEngine Play mobile app.
Expanded the Organization Analytics Dashboard to show revenue share-related data, view the expected revenue share total, and view upcoming estimated payouts for customers with revenue share agreements.
Bug Fixes
Resolved an issue in the mobile app where the Replays button was not clickable.
Fixed a problem with incorrect invite codes on Admin invites sent from the Studio.
Corrected an issue that caused the login pop-up to display when users tried to complete the Top Plays form.
Upcoming Beta Opportunities Across SportsEngine
SportsEngine HQ
Custom Credentials: Streamlines managing compliance across your organization, providing full control and visibility into all compliance items.
Watch Links: SportsEngine HQ organizations with Season Management that stream on SportsEngine Play will have links to SportsEngine Play streamed events in MySE, TeamCenter, and schedule pages.
Price Variations: Allows organizations using SportsEngine HQ to change product prices based on date ranges.